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Welcome to Sanity Fair! This is my little home and design corner on the world wide web.
I learned to love interior design early, purchasing my first shelter magazine with some allowance money at the tender age of 10. Ever since, I've been enchanted with the idea that the way we choose to arrange and decorate our home environments reflects something about us, but also reflects on us:  a well-ordered, personal space provides comfort and tranquility, even in these hectic times.  

Since I founded Sanity Fair in 2009, SF has grown a steady following, received several blogging awards, and been featured in The Washington PostAtlantan Magazine, and Small Room Decorating, among others.

An entryway to stylish living for all budgets and lifestyles, Sanity Fair provides everyone from renters to professional designers with fresh decoration and fashion inspiration. From Parisian couture to the local Target, Sanity Fair is about discovering the lovely things in life—wherever they are found.