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Interior decorator, stylist, and blogger Valorie Hart recently put together a wonderful Guest Pick for Houzz on Kelly Green, and kindly included a scene from my (very green) apartment. Valorie's ideabook reminded me of how I originally came to paint my walls bright green.

It all started with this photo of a design by Miles Redd, featured on the cover of Veranda. Just as I was contemplating a bright green wall, Valorie was also inspired by the Redd design and set out to recreate the color, which she dubbed, aptly, "Miles Redd Green."You can read her fantastic post about the process HERE; she even custom-created the color with New Orleans shop Helm Paint, based on the shade. Valorie's post was the extra push I needed to go ahead with my crazy painting scheme. 

Determined to see it through (or at least, live with the consequences until I found time to re-paint), I went to Frager's Hardware on Capitol Hill. We started out considering a few custom creations, but actually settled on a paint color that already exited:  Hanging Vine, by Mythic Paint. Here is the result (Photography by Katherine Frey, The Washington Post).

All along, I had envisioned the green as a dramatic backdrop to my collection of blue and white; here's why. Very bland - the plates just blend into the walls!

At the time, I hadn't seen these great images of green with blue and white china, but it's such a winning combination, of course it's been done before! Every time I see it, I love the look more.

House Beautiful

Tory Burch

If you'd like to "go green," check out Valorie's Houzz picks HERE!
/Images/ Veranda/ Two, my own/ House Beautiful/ Tory Burch/ Houzz/

Finally, I hope that if you were in the path of Hurricane Sandy, all is well with you and yours. I survived a very long, very windy night, but thankfully didn't experience any major damage. 
Stay safe, and a speedy recovery to everyone on the East Coast.