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Since we're still in the 12 Days of Christmas, I feel justified in one more Christmas post—this one about my favorite, and simplest, bit of holiday decorating this year. I have a mossy topiary that lives year round on a Chinese garden stool in my living room, but it was looking a touch summary for the season. After a brief hunt through my costume jewelry, I turned up enough brooches and pins to dress it up for the holidays, pinned them all into the moss, and voila!, a jeweled topiary. And now that I can see all of my pins in plain view, perhaps I'll remember to wear them...

I love the star-shaped brooch, center, but the tiny little turtle crawling away, upper left, is a darling.

There are a few earrings in the mix too—a pair of starry studs, and even a dangler, lower left hand side. You could certainly make almost any piece of jewelry work—even necklaces could make a "tinsel" garland!
  /All photos by Sanity Fair. Please request permission to use./