Here's the Alabama Clay carpet. AAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! Nooooo!
So, anyway, here's my design penance. Turn this shrine to shabby into a nice guest bedroom for my parents. In keeping with the rest of the house, it needs to be modern with a rustic edge.

Since it's a guest room, the bed is going to take central stage. The frame is a brass four-poster with a great deal of character, and it dominates the room. The frame stays (for now), anchoring the space. Bedspread will likely be a rich cream, and these pillows will bring nature inside without adding heft to the bed (Fern Pillows, Pottery Barn).

To pick up some of the creams from the bed, some objects de decor from West Elm for the bath.

Side tables for the bed are family antiques (tall, dark glaze with spindle legs). To balance their slender shapes, these lamps, also from Pottery Barn, perhaps half-filled with brown and gray river stones from the nearby creek.

Add a great mirror and some pen and ink prints of trees (sans the shelves), all from Ballard Designs.