Ann Taylor for Spring 2010
It is the noble duty of Sanity Fair to go forth and shop in the name of providing you, dear readers, with useful and accurate information. Braving aggressive kiosk salesmen, scarce parking, and that really appealing Mrs. Field's cookie stand is a challenging and dangerous (financially) job, but someone's got to do it. I'm proud to say that someone is me. So here is my latest field report, acquired at tremendous personal risk to my dress size. Because, darn. Those Mrs. Field's cookies sure smell good.
It is the noble duty of Sanity Fair to go forth and shop in the name of providing you, dear readers, with useful and accurate information. Braving aggressive kiosk salesmen, scarce parking, and that really appealing Mrs. Field's cookie stand is a challenging and dangerous (financially) job, but someone's got to do it. I'm proud to say that someone is me. So here is my latest field report, acquired at tremendous personal risk to my dress size. Because, darn. Those Mrs. Field's cookies sure smell good.
Back in October, I blogged about the redesign taking place at Ann Taylor, a store with an illustrious history, surpassed only by an illustrious dismantling of that history by producing awful clothes. My review included phrases such as "dullsville," "office drone," and "valley of sartorial doom." So I was very restrained. But now I'm having a change of heart. Because I really, REALLY, like the new Ann Taylor for spring! It's sleek, colorful, and includes some fabulous jewelry. It still looks more like a J.Crew raid than a jaunt through the AT fashion vault, but when have I ever complained about something looking too J.Crew? Never. Enjoy.