Forget the market - this is my picnic bag and thermos. This is what my lunch goes in. This is what I eat out of at the office. Because it's spring! Inside my head.
Market Tote and Thermos, $9.95 and $15.95, Lilly Pulitzer.

Who is this kid? What's he squinting at? It must be bright inside that diamond.
Market Tote and Thermos, $9.95 and $15.95, Lilly Pulitzer.

Who is this kid? What's he squinting at? It must be bright inside that diamond.
Diamond picture frame, $25, Neiman Marcus.
These shoes are SO CUTE! SO CUTE! I repeat: if you order them, stay away from my size. They're mine. Though my size is locked in a top-secret vault, and Al Qaeda couldn't drag it out of me, so you'll just have to guess.
Lela Rose for Payless Neilson bow flat, $29.99, Payless.
Yes, I do take notes (yeah, I'm look'n at you life. Don't try anything). I take notes everywhere - unlike my blackberry, the notes don't delete themselves. Or randomly email themselves to people (Dear Entire Address List: dont forget 2 buy milk, eggs, breadcheese on way home).
Volant notebooks, $12 for a set of two (8 colors), Moleskin.
The most wretched thing about this time of year (and there are so many wretched things) is the RESTRICTED FOOTWEAR thing. You can't wear your pretty heels (splash, splash, down South. Slush, slush, up North). You can't wear your flats (slosh, slosh - right over the sides). Leather? Not if you like it. Spots are only charming on dogs. So I can't wait to wear pretty shoes again - and pretty shoes with pretty flowers? What could be better!!! I'm going to prance in posies come spring.
Rose Trotting Blooms (shoe clips, 8 colors, other styles available), $45, by EmersonMade.
Lest we get carried away with our spring euphoria, let's remember that the season has its dangers. Flying things, for instance. I spend a large part of my time, March - August, dealing with the tyranny of flying things. Especially flying things that sting. But butterflies are the exception - who wouldn't want more?
Sunbell Necklace, $48, Anthropologie.
Transition time for sweaters.
Jackie zip-up cardigan, $24.80, Forever 21.
All images, companies as listed.