

In my mind, I'm vacationing in the tropical paradise of Turks and Caicos, lounging near the pool, awaiting my next margarita under a massive umbrella. In reality, I'm stranded in a generic airport hotel by my airline, which cited weather/goats/days-ending-in-day/mechanicals/pollen/and ocean currents as the reasons for cancellation. At least it wasn't sun spots. Or a pirate attack! ("If your cutlass will not fit in the overhead compartment, please press the attendant call button. In the event of a water exit, do not attempt to take your chests of gold with you.")

So enough about my ACTUAL trip. Actual things, as Anne of Green Gables pointed out so many decades ago, are rarely as fun as imagined things. And my imagined trip is marvelous. And of course, I packed well - here's what I'm wearing and carrying this weekend!

Images: iPad, Apple. LV case, ipadforums. com. Kebede clothes, Kebede image, Vogue. Turks and Caicos, Expressions Holidays. All other images, companies as attributed.


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