
Falling like...

I made a sojourn to the newsstand today to purchase the very last copy of Domino magazine. Sad but true, this marvelous periodical is closing its doors for good. Domino's end is not a surprise given that far more entrenched and well-known titles have bitten the dust lately. No good mag has been immune. But Domino's case is all the more unfortunate since it succeeded in two areas most shelter mags have not: it has a very strong web presence, and fills a previously-unexploited niche in the market: 20 and 30 somethings with a lot of inspiration and little money.

Click the title above to visit Domino's web page while it's still up, and take the opportunity to download some great inspirational deco pictures. The New York Times also has a good article on the sad event here.

Au revoir, Domino!


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