A vignette from Michelle's house. I spy chinoiserie, an Anthropologie ikat bowl, greek key - and wonderful book stacks! Notice how well the serene grey of the walls and the white molding provides a structured backdrop for the bold colors in the room.

Bedding from Rubie Green bedding. Don't you want to be this girl?
What a lovely way to spend a Sunday afternoon.

Lovely shams, lovely patterns.

The advertising is beautiful too. Here, a patterned pillow case debuts as a bow belt for cocktail hour.

Action, and Scene! In this ad tableau, the model carries fabric bolts of Rubie Green cloth.

Aren't these patterns marvelous? I wouldn't know where to start.
You can purchase Rubie Green fabrics to use in your own designs.

All images, M.A. Belle and Rubie Green.