

Remember when you were a child in school, and your teacher told you that you were as unique as a snowflake, that you were wonderful, that you should never want to change? It was all a lie. Because I want to be Interior Designer Meg Braff.

Let's get down to brass tacts. I've never met Meg (we'll just go ahead and get on a first name basis). I wouldn't recognize her on the street. But when I saw her color-saturated, pattern-intense chinoiserie-inspired rooms in House Beautiful, I was a goner, hook-line-and-sinker. I fell in love with those rooms the way anyone does who has struggled to perfect an ideal - and suddenly sees that ideal before them. To employ pattern, yet not be too busy; to use color, but not be too bright, to be tasteful, yet never pretentious. And to use copious amounts of chinoiserie, yet not look like one of those hapless Eastern market mall stores, with dusty fountains and moon stones for sale. In short, to look like this:  cheering, soothing, simple, and above all, harmonious. It's a beautiful thing.

East Hampton, New York
Clarke Avenue, Palm Beach
Newport, Rhode Island
Ritz Tower, New York
Newport, Rhode Island
Newport, Rhode Island


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