How many pretty displays could you fit on this bookcase? It's a charmer. LACK bookcase, $129.
GREEN!!!! Oh joy. You would HAVE to be happy in a room with these on the windows. $9.99 a pair people. Snatch 'em up.
This is just awesome. This is IKEA love, happening right now. Seriously, an entire cowhide? I see this in your living room, next to your sleak couch and under your silver and glass coffee table. Koldby cowhide, $249. There's one in brown too.
It's a kid's toy, but it's almost Easter and I want it. SO cute. Fabler rattle, $2.99.
A pretty plate for a breakfast room. Trolsk serving bowl, $8.99. And don't forget the cereal bowls! $2.99 a set.

All images, IKEA.